welcome to ........... zozo international

zozo international is the ppersonal webbed site of mandizo. here you could read my thoughts or look at my photos. and other stuff im working on perhaps ?who kneows !
FAQ: why zozo international?
zozo international promises its users that this website contains a whopping total of a measely 1 virus, far better than its competitors such as Google or Tumbler dot com. not to mention that quite unlike other noisy and distracting social Media plat forms where a bunch of other random people get in the way, on zozo international you will only come across stuff that zozo posts, enablinh you to focus on only what zozo thinks and says. which lets be real here , is the Sole reason why anyone would Connect to the internet in tge first place ....
about ME

this is me IN REAL LIFE. i know right .. so crazys. ignore the animal on the right
my name is mandizo (in case you havent noticed yet). mandizo is pronounced /mæn'diːzoʊ/. my pronouns are it/its and im 18 years old as of 1 second ago. among many other secret things i am
- a former CChO contestant (finished second place. sighs LOUDLY)
- an emoji
- a rat
- a cat
- a bear
- a computer virus
- a guy with crt monitor as head
- yellow slime
- currently using this section as an excuse to practice using unordered list in html
i speak mandarin chinese & english . i am also a very successful chemist . just look at the Glucose i made from cotton one fateful summer afternoon:

need i say more ????
more about this website
all pretty drawings (unless specified) are done by tge one and only alive forgood.... no reason for u to think otherwise as well. idk how to draw 😛
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